Sometimes we do not understand what is going on in our

lives. We question everything, wondering why our world gets turned upside down, or in my case, comes to a skidding crash. Sometimes I asked God why He allowed me to be hurt like this out of curiosity, but never once have I been angry about it. I fully understand that God is working something out in my life. He is making me a teachable vessel wherewith He fills me with the ever living water, His Word. Through this situation, I have learned to love God more.
Why would I love a God who let me get into a horrible accident where I could have died? God created me. God gave me the very breath I breathe. God gave me life. Why WOULDN'T I love God? You know what else God has done for me? God has redeemed me from my life of sin. How? He sent His Son, who lived a perfect life and knew NO sin to die for my wages of death. Jesus paid my ransom, my debt. Sometimes I fail, I stumble, I fall, but God always lovingly picks me back up again and reminds me that He is always faithful and that He gives me grace for every need. My prayer is that I become so completely and totally in love with God that I put no other 'god' in my life before Him.
"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:30