Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A post about an eight-legged fiend...

Once upon a time, (actually, tonight to be exact) I was in the bathroom when I spotted a horrendous sight! Brown and black with long legs and an unseemly face. What was it you may ask? An intruding spider!

After amassing enough courage to go near it, I trapped it in a cup. As I was putting paper underneath of it, I may have squeaked (or to some it might have sounded like a small scream). I was afraid that the creepy little thing would escape when I tried to put the paper underneath the cup. Luckily I had the foresight to use a cup I can see through.

Because of the commotion in the bathroom, my suitemate and her friend pondered whether I was in peril. But alas! I opened the door to show them what I was doing. They understood my plight and gave suggestions such as "squish him!" or "spray him with hair spray."

I thought I'd try one of their suggestions. Thinking that my ninja skill with hair spray would suffice, I picked up the cup and sprayed at the multi-legged fright. BUT I was not quick enough for as I sprayed, he scurried with all his might to get away... and went where I could not see him.

Not one to let our bathroom be under siege by such a frightening invader, I moved things out of the way while my suitemate shined a light on the situation (with her flash light). Attempt after attempt was made, but he still evaded my offensive maneouvers. Then finally, I prevailed against this dastardly villain.

He was laid to rest quickly. Such an adventure was to some extent, entertaining, but not one I want to repeat anytime soon.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Picture Post

Psalm 19:1 The heavens heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.