Over my Christmas break, I had to study and take a test to get my license back. According to the law in the state of Iowa, anyone who is in an accident under the age of 21 has to take tests in order to keep their license. Fair enough.
So, of course, it had been a while since I have driven. This created nervousness that I thought I wouldn't be able to overcome. I had only driven twice before I took my test. First came the written test which turned out to be an oral test instead. I only missed one question! Thinking I would have to set up a driving time, I wasn't prepared to necessarily to do my driving test that day. However, God had other plans.
They decided to squeeze me in before someone else's time. After the car inspection, I took a deep breath and silently prayed that God would help me with this test because I really needed to get my license back. At times it was a bit bumpy, the examiner person was kinda new, but hey, we made it back in one piece. Once we were parked again by the court house, he set himself to the task of jotting more notes on his little clipboard, leaving me in painful suspense. How much more could he possibly have to write? After a little while, the lady in my back seat whose job it was to test the examiner spoke. She said she was pretty sure I passed and informed the examiner that he should have told me that as soon as we got back to the court house. He laughed a little and apologized. I had indeed passed my test!
Getting behind the wheel again was difficult, exciting, and been a challenge for me. Without my supportive dad, I don't know if I really would have been able to do it. His encouragement meant so much to me gave me the confidence that I needed to be able to put my foot to the pedal.
Since my test, I have driven around in my beloved car once again. Driving to school by myself for the first time in a long time was at first nerve racking, but the familiarity of the interstate helped me to stay calm enough. I almost thought I wouldn't be able to drive there, but my dad put most of my fear to rest when he told me that I was a good driver, I just needed to stay awake. His confidence in me and his words kept me from giving up as semis passed me by in the snowy weather on my way to school.
It's been nice to be able to drive again and go wherever I want, whenever I want. Do I still get nervous while driving? Yes. But such fear will not keep me from continuing to drive, and soon enough, that fear will subside. My God will help me and protect me. My dad will continue to encourage me and be there for me.