Monday, February 21, 2011

A Marvelous Monday

Coming into this week, I thought I was going to be facing much more obstacles to get things done than I have actually faced.

Here's the thing: I am going to Missouri this weekend with a friend to visit a college she's looking into because it has the program she is interested in studying. We're leaving Thursday afternoon so we can visit classes on Friday.

MEANING, I have to get my homework, projects, and a midterm done early.

Yeah, now you see what I probably was thinking. I thought I'd have to rush, rush, rush to get things done and possibly collapse while doing it. Last week, I was combating a cold which left me feeling very weak this weekend. I also did not get a great amount of sleep this last weekend. Someday I'll get sleep... So, with a very tired mind, I made a concept map (you know, with all the connected bubbles) of all the things I needed to get done by Thursday. This was suprisingly helpful.

As Mondays go, this has been a pretty great one, despite the cold and light snow. God put in my heart a joyful attitude despite being tired. I was able to stay awake (mostly) in my classes and chapel. I have awesome professors who have been given much wisdom. On top of that, they love to share it with their students who they care about. So after classes, I ran off to go get errands done. I cashed a check, paid a bill, shopped for fleece (which was on sale!!) within about an hour and a half worth's time. I was super pumped.

Then, it was off to the computer lab. Now, keyboarding is not a hard class, but it has a lot of work. Thankfully, the work this week is super duper easy. Golden star award goes to the one who has it all done already! All I need to do now is drills, a.k.a. the icky/frustrating/wanna-pull-my-hair-out part. Yeah... it's kinda that dramatic.

Now, all I have to do is study for/then take my crisis counseling midterm, make an outline for the book of Ruth, read my Doctrine IV reading, figure out my topic for my persuasive speech for public speaking, prepare a devotional for tomorrow night, send out some e-mails... oh, and pack. :)

Lately, God has been stretching my mind in my way of thinking through my classes and the ministry of my church here at college. I feel like I'm suffering from information overload but at the same time it is all interlocking and overlapping from each of my classes. God has been teaching me so much through all of it. I just hope I can retain it and apply it. Sometime I will go into much more detail about the things I have been learning.

SIDE NOTE: This is my apology for not being a faithful blogger. College this semester has been crazy for me. Between classes, ministry, volunteering, etc. it has been pretty busy. So with all my excuses, I am sorry for not keeping up with the posts. Hopefully I will be able to do better, but I can't guarantee it. March's schedule looks just as hectic.

Because I have gotten so many things done today, I am going to work out tonight. So, I shall bid you adieu.

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