Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Quick Post Between Classes

Hello all! As I have expressed before, this semester has been quite the rollercoaster of projects, homework, and tests at every rise and fall. Next week will be Missions conference already. I am super excited because the pastor from the church in Erlangen, Germany is one of our speakers. It is always nice to see the people who I met over seas.

Speaking of such people, I was able to see the couple we spent time with our first week there a few weeks ago. Ted and Becky are currently on furlough and live only a few blocks from the school. They are such a fun couple! They, of course, fed us, and we were able to catch up for a bit. Just like all the other people we stayed with, Ted and Becky have such an interest in what is going on in our lives and wanting to know what are plans are. I love knowing that there are people praying for me as I make different life decisions.

So, my junior year is almost over! Isn't that so unreal? By this time next year I will be interning, pumping up my application, and getting ready to graduate! It sometimes feels a bit a unreal, but that excitement of achieving a degree is starting to creep in as well. As of late, I have been thinking a lot about my future but I will save my musings for a separate post.

God's goodness always astounds me. You'd think that I would always remember how He is in control and remember His love and care for me. But honestly? There are times that my focus is so skewed that God has to do something to turn my gaze towards Him. He gives me the grace and strength to live each day. I will especially be relying upon that today as I finish up papers, presentations, and study for my 3rd exam for this week.

Well, it's time to head to public speaking. Hopefully the ant hill will calm down enough for me to post again soon. :)

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