Sunday, August 12, 2012


I'm not a big fan of bugs. (Ironic, I know, that I name my blog the Ant Hill but my first blog post explains that). There are some bugs I do like, however, and the ones I like the most are fireflies. The way a whole bunch of them glow in the fields in the country side at night as you drive by is just fascinating, captivating.

As a little girl, I loved catching them. Every summer, I would gather them in a jar. Sometimes I would keep them, sometimes I would let them free after an hour or so, knowing that I really couldn't keep them.

With graduation come and gone, it makes one feel rather nostalgic. Lately, I've been looking at where I've been in life. When sifting through the memories, the people, the places, the amazement doesn't cease. I left high school with few people I could truly call friend. I lost friendships that I held dear to my heart and was hurt by the aftermath.

At the time, I wasn't sure if I could ever make lasting friendships. To this day, I am still only good friends with a few people from high school, and keep in touch with others when I can. People come in and out of your life for a reason. I don't think it's because you have to make room so others can take up the space left behind, but, rather, some people really are not meant to stay in your life. Just a flash of a fleeting firefly in the night.

Throughout college, I had met people from many different places and backgrounds. Each person has enriched my life, and God has taught me many different important things about life through these wonderful people. Will I ever see these people again? Maybe not. But that doesn't make them any less special to me.

Right now, I am still serving at Camp Northfield. After Labor Day, I will be returning home. What will be my life after that? I am not sure. What I do know is this: I will miss my New England friends and "family" and hope that someday, I will be able to come out this way again. As I live life back in Iowa, I will be able to renew old friendships and continue to make new ones.

I am so thankful and very blessed by the people God has put in my life, even for a short time.

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